To foster the art of watercolour painting and its appreciation.
To arrange exhibitions for the work of its members.
To provide information about watercolour painting to its members.
To encourage participation in a range of related activities.
The Ottawa Watercolour Society was founded by well-known Ottawa watercolourist Morton Baslaw, CSPWC. He developed a three-step graduated process of membership culminating with Fellowship. For a more detailed history please click here.
Membership is open to anyone.
Workshops & Events
A programs coordinator for the OWS has set up a schedule for plein air paint-outs, demonstrations, and workshops. Among other activities are special presentations, critiques of member's work, and usually a major workshop by a well-known watercolourist.
The OWS Newsletter is issued seasonally, four times per year and it is available as a PDF for all members. To send an article for the newsletter please email the editor.
Juried exhibitions are usually held twice a year at various galleries or on-line. Permanent space for non-juried exhibition for members is reserved at the Walter Baker Center Gallery located in Walter Baker Sports Complex, 100 Malvern Drive, Ottawa, Ontario.
The Ottawa Watercolour Society was founded by well-known Ottawa watercolourist Morton Baslaw, CSPWC. He developed a three-step graduated process of membership culminating with Fellowship. For a more detailed history please click here.
Membership is open to anyone.
Workshops & Events
A programs coordinator for the OWS has set up a schedule for plein air paint-outs, demonstrations, and workshops. Among other activities are special presentations, critiques of member's work, and usually a major workshop by a well-known watercolourist.
The OWS Newsletter is issued seasonally, four times per year and it is available as a PDF for all members. To send an article for the newsletter please email the editor.
Juried exhibitions are usually held twice a year at various galleries or on-line. Permanent space for non-juried exhibition for members is reserved at the Walter Baker Center Gallery located in Walter Baker Sports Complex, 100 Malvern Drive, Ottawa, Ontario.
Check us out on Instagram
OWS Members' Website
Janet Agulnik - janetagulnik.com
Alan and Audrey Bain - alanandaudreybain.com
Danielle Beaulieu - www.daniellebeaulieuwatercolours.com
Bette Belanger - www.bettebelangerwatercolours.ca
Anne Barkley - annebarkley.ca
Brenda Beattie - brendabeattie.com
Josée Bourassa - artbyjoseebourassa.com
Barbara Brintnell - www.barbarabrintnell.ca
Maurice Dionne - mauricedionne.com
Vic Dohar - www.vicdohar.com
Ted Duncan - tduncan.ca
Chantal Dupuis - www.artbychantaldupuis.ca
Elsa Gallegos - egallegosgraphiste.wixsite.com/elsagallegos
Alain Godbout - jalaingodbout.wordpress.com/
Pauline Goss - Pasigodesign.com
Renate Hulley - renatehulley.wordpress.com
Isabelle Jerome- paintandtravels.wixsite.com/isabellejerome
Sri Putri Julio - www.spjulio.com
Diane Lamothe - dianelamothe.artacademie.com
Tong Li - www.tongartspace.com
Hanna MacNaughtan - www.hannamacnaughtan.com
Shirley Moulton - shirleymoulton.com
Yvon Perrier - yvonperrier.com
Jennifer Raby -jennifer-raby.pixels.com
Hilary Robinson- https://www.robinroma.com/
Rosy Somerville - rosysomerville.com
Betty Sullivan - bettysullivanart.com
Charles Spratt - cspratt.ca
Anne Remmer Thompson - anneremmerthompson.ca
Kirsty Topps - kirstytoppsart.com
Catherine Willis-O'Connor - www.cwillisoconnorfolkart.weebly.com
Members, please email the webmaster to have your name and website added.
Janet Agulnik - janetagulnik.com
Alan and Audrey Bain - alanandaudreybain.com
Danielle Beaulieu - www.daniellebeaulieuwatercolours.com
Bette Belanger - www.bettebelangerwatercolours.ca
Anne Barkley - annebarkley.ca
Brenda Beattie - brendabeattie.com
Josée Bourassa - artbyjoseebourassa.com
Barbara Brintnell - www.barbarabrintnell.ca
Maurice Dionne - mauricedionne.com
Vic Dohar - www.vicdohar.com
Ted Duncan - tduncan.ca
Chantal Dupuis - www.artbychantaldupuis.ca
Elsa Gallegos - egallegosgraphiste.wixsite.com/elsagallegos
Alain Godbout - jalaingodbout.wordpress.com/
Pauline Goss - Pasigodesign.com
Renate Hulley - renatehulley.wordpress.com
Isabelle Jerome- paintandtravels.wixsite.com/isabellejerome
Sri Putri Julio - www.spjulio.com
Diane Lamothe - dianelamothe.artacademie.com
Tong Li - www.tongartspace.com
Hanna MacNaughtan - www.hannamacnaughtan.com
Shirley Moulton - shirleymoulton.com
Yvon Perrier - yvonperrier.com
Jennifer Raby -jennifer-raby.pixels.com
Hilary Robinson- https://www.robinroma.com/
Rosy Somerville - rosysomerville.com
Betty Sullivan - bettysullivanart.com
Charles Spratt - cspratt.ca
Anne Remmer Thompson - anneremmerthompson.ca
Kirsty Topps - kirstytoppsart.com
Catherine Willis-O'Connor - www.cwillisoconnorfolkart.weebly.com
Members, please email the webmaster to have your name and website added.